just because Life feels hard, doesn’t mean you are doing it wrong

Intentions bring meaning into our lives now, so that we can navigate our lives based on what is as opposed to what may be. They’re powerful tools that we can use to instantly direct our focus for as long as we need.

Ryder Carroll
  • My Mimi always encouraged me to “tell it like it is” — to name names and resist “candy-coating” people’s behavior. Wisdom she readily admitted was gained after decades of self-doubt and unfairly blaming herself for other people’s choices.
  • This process started with thirty days of reframing gratitude as paying attention, and acknowledging (giving my attention to the facts of) major events and realities during my wild and precious life. ♥

Gratitude is not a passive response to something we have been given, gratitude arises from paying attention, from being awake in the presence of everything that lives within and without us.

David Whyte
  • I did so because it was time to face the facts of what I did not cause, and what I could not have changed or done differently due to the circumstances.
    • I realized exhaustion effected my judgment and prohibited me from being [fully present] amidst the daily, intense stress of my living during much of my life.
    • I repeatedly ignored what I needed because of faulty beliefs about love and relationships (particularly motherhood); giving energy and attention to the needs of people I loved so dearly, sincerely hoping for their healing and well-being.

Life can feel hard, but that doesn’t mean we are doing it wrong.

We do what we must. We learn. We do better.

Right brain planning is a respite. It is also a means of expressing, envisioning and experiencing feelings and desires via jotted notes, color and layers of collage.

Source: The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook by Kristin Neff & Christopher Germer

Braveheart, just because Life feels hard, doesn’t mean we are doing it wrong.

  • To be mindful is to [be here, now]; it is to [compassionately acknowledge] our feelings, thoughts and the way we feel in our bodies [without judgment or self-blame].

Compassionate people ask for what they need. They say no when they need to, and when they say yes, they mean it. They’re compassionate because their boundaries keep them out of resentment.

Brené Brown

Braveheart, life can get better — and we can identify what we want (and need). ♥

Right brain planning is a ritual that [begins with + fosters] self-compassion, focusing on the four essentials of our living:

Afraid to appear selfish, we lose our self. We become self-destructive. Because this self murder is something we seek passively rather than consciously act out, we are often blind to its poisonous grip on us.

Julia Cameron
  • Not as a means of losing our-selves (judging, “rejecting” or minimizing what we are feeling and experiencing) — but a self-compassionate practice of identifying (naming facts about) what we are experiencing, needing and wanting to be/do.
  • Right brain planning is a means of living within appointed seasons, but also just beyond ourselves.

When you reckon with emotion, you can change your narrative. You have to acknowledge your feelings and get curious about the story behind them. Then you can challenge those confabulations and get to the truth.

Brené Brown

🔺Kaleidoscope Perspectives is the theme of the 2024 Right Brain Planner® Annual Kit. It is an invitation to live within appointed seasons, but also just beyond ourselves.

  • To envision our living as an [ongoing option] for [reframing] and discovery and 🪄 imagination.

Thank you kindly for your presence here, Braveheart. 

I appreciate your interest and support.

~love & good wishes~

2024 Right Brain Planner® Kit | field notes | Right Brain Planner® FAQ

2024 Right Brain Planner® Kit [Theme] Kaleidoscope Perspectives ✨ [Focus] — Noticing Beauty (within the kaleidoscope of your living: the ongoing, ever-changing “formations” of color and meaning)

  • This is possible, in part, by {you} and your presence here. But also because of the support of my Ko-fi patrons and the other other member/subscriber communities I host (via their presence, input and paid subscriptions).