be who you are (without apology, explanation or justification)

Birthday Party Balloons

The time came for me to stop “hoping for the best” and to deal with the facts.

So, that is what I did.

I did so for my well-being — and without regret.

I am allowing “things to be good; my life is not a battleground” (Alex Elle).

All of this was a process that required self-compassion, a series of choices, grief and celebration — along with ongoing support. ♥

Support that manifested in various ways — one-to-one friendships, professional counseling, like-minded groups (online and in real-life) and (sometimes) via threaded comments on social media.

I accepted that I can live freely (and fully) without almost everything I expected for this time in my life. This started as a necessity — but it has become my path to enchantment and inner peace.

Our sense of enchantment is not only sparked by grand things. The awe-inspiring, the numinous, is all around us, all the time. It is transformed by our deliberate attention. The magic is of our own conjuring.

Katherine May

What does all of this have to do with planning?

Chronicling the details of our days is a way of understanding ourselves + mapping our desires. Tracking (and reviewing) our thoughts and routine activities reveals our beliefs and values — and helps us to discover our pace and rhythms.

Showing up for ourselves on the page along with setting aside time and space on a regular basis for both tangible and intangible processing is how we come to identify our desires + get clarity.

  • Everything is an opportunity. Everything we have lived and loved, questioned and lost is a part of who we are.

And, Braveheart, there is enough time and space and energy for our dreams and desires, wishes and want-to’s (even when we doubt that enoughness).

Our dreams take time. Without some type of visual chronicle to serve as a “map” — as well as a reminder and directive — the timelines of our desires and experiences become jumbled. What matters most becomes forgotten and ignored.

Life can get better, Braveheart.

Life as Art: repeated expression and application of self-compassion, a skill set and imagination.

It is an ongoing and evolving process — in spite of the limits and detours we encounter — and defined by our micro-choices onward.

Identifying our desires and challenges via creative chronicles sustains us — as well as consoles us, and fosters our ongoingness and capacity.

Thank you kindly for your presence here, Braveheart. 

I appreciate your interest and support.

~love & good wishes~

2024 Right Brain Planner® Kit | field notes | Right Brain Planner® FAQ

2024 Right Brain Planner® Kit [Theme] Kaleidoscope Perspectives ✨ [Focus] — Noticing Beauty (within the kaleidoscope of your living: the ongoing, ever-changing “formations” of color and meaning)

  • This is possible, in part, by {you} and your presence here. But also because of the support of my Ko-fi patrons and the other other member/subscriber communities I host (via their presence, input and paid subscriptions).