[latitude] celebrating new seasonal rituals

Consider a seed planted in the ground. It must first break through the seed coat and push its way through the soil. At times, pushing through the words in the back of your mind that say, “You shouldn’t care so much” or “You should be over it by now” may make you feel pressured.

Morgan Harper Nichols

Maybe it’s perpetual quest for stability; I want a ritual to hold on to, a recurring photo taken in the same spot every year, or maybe I’m trying to blot out old memories and replace them with happy ones.

Caitlin Metz
  • More to the point: my grief, mingled with my hopes and expectations, have contributed to the past 10ish years of “holidays” being emotionally difficult and overwhelming.
  • Geographic distance, along with familial estrangements, illness and ever-changing values necessitated changes, and time to grieve the many tangible (and intangible) losses.

Everything cycles (like the moon and seasons in nature), Braveheart.

  • So, after more than a decade of waiting and hoping-against-hope for different circumstances — I am marking a new season of celebrations (and within my-self). ♥
  • This comes at least three years after my decision to practice interrupting the cycle of my unrealistic-hoping.
sowing seeds with my grandchild, circa 2016

This internal kerfuffle has brought me again to the knowing that I have the power to set aside beliefs that were never mine to begin with, retire traditions that no longer bring me closer to a sense of wonder and joy, and that I can even abandon a holiday for a decade and a half, and return to it with new meaning.

Caitlin Metz

Think of a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. It takes time and effort to break free from the cocoon’s confines. But this conscious transition from confinement and into openness, is necessary for the butterfly to become who it must be.

Morgan Harper Nichols

Create space for the things that heal your heart with reflection and gentleness…even if it’s just nothing but a few thoughtful moments or words at first…this is something you can build upon.

Morgan Harper Nichols

[You] are worthy of this journey of breaking through the soil of what was, and out in the open where you can continue to become a little bit more free, day by day.

Morgan Harper Nichols
  • I am celebrating that I have discovered how to [belong to myself] and to determine my worth aside from wished-for words of affirmation or acknowledgement.
  • I am becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable (because I recognize how unfair and unjust my default beliefs and wishes were).

Paying attention to the rhythms of the natural world helps us to recognize the places within us that call for blossoming, fruitfulness, releasing, and resting.

Christine Valters Paintner

Thank you kindly for your presence here, Braveheart. 

I appreciate your interest and support.

~love & good wishes~

2024 Right Brain Planner® Kit | field notes | Right Brain Planner® FAQ

2024 Right Brain Planner® Kit [Theme] Kaleidoscope Perspectives ✨ [Focus] — Noticing Beauty (within the kaleidoscope of your living: the ongoing, ever-changing “formations” of color and meaning)

❤️ Braveheart, as the Creator/Artist of Right Brain Planner® I am ever-grateful to have the opportunity to share my creative work online + support other creators since 2008! 🎉 This is possible, in part, by {you} and your presence here. But also because of the support of my Ko-fi patrons and the other other member/subscriber communities I host (via their presence, input and subscriptions).