edits & rewrites (leaning into curiosity)

Leaning into curiosity (instead of fear and what-if’s) is to live a creative life. It liberates us from faulty beliefs and default choices (that fuel fear and what-if’s).

Braveheart, rewrites begin with an awareness of what needs to be changed. Awareness begins with noticing and acknowledging patterns in our choices and habits that are creating resistance, preventing us from living differently.

What it really takes to achieve your goals

Awareness provides us with the opportunity to try and learn.

Awareness has been an intention and a practice for me this year; awareness has proved to be a faithful and healing guide to acceptance.

Acceptance, the head space where bargaining has concluded — when there is no more anger or angst, or unfounded hope for anything to be different than it is.

  • Acceptance is where we begin to cease striving and coexist with the outcomes of our choices (what can and cannot be changed, and the choices of the people we love).

Any degree to which you can see the truth that our time is limited, that we can’t do everything, that you can imagine far more goals than you could ever achieve but be OK with it, that is another degree you know you have taken ownership of your life and started to build a meaningful one.

Oliver Burkeman

Caitlin Metz‘s latest book, Feel Something, Make Something

Braveheart, there is always a space between what happens around us and our response, and what we are able to learn from what we experience (emotional alchemy).

  • Emotional alchemy is the guiding theme of the content and resources for my Ko-fi patrons this year.
  • Learning from what I experience leads to healing edits and rewrites.
  • Seeing my life through a lens of curiosity (instead of blame and shame) ensures these healing choices continue.
  • Caitlin Metz’s book will serve me in the continuation of my journal-planning theme of exploring emotional alchemy: holding space with whatever I am feeling + living from my wild heart rather than weary hurt.

The motivation behind Right Brain Planner® is to inspire a self-paced and compassionate creative practice by offering free and low-cost resources and support.

  • I share ideas and examples here because it is part of my practice, but also because it is a way of fostering a cycle of gratitude that I have shared with my supporters for over fourteen years.

“If no one has told you lately, you are doing good and intentional work—and this is how we heal. Baby steps take us where we need to go. You don’t have to tackle the journey all at once. You are allowed to be unsure. To take things slow. To get lost and find your way back again and again.” -Alex Elle*

*Healing: The New Inheritance